Dear NRI Investor,
If you are looking to invest in property in India you are on the right page.
Here, you'll find the perfect mix of Residential & Commercial Properties to cater to your specific needs, in terms of location, type of development and budget.
We've created this section on our website especially for you, in order to answer every question that you may have pertaining to property investment in India.
Over the last couple of decades several thousand Indians have made smart investment decisions.
I invite you to join them by Adding uneed constructions/consutants to your life!
P.S. - If you are an NRI living in the US or Canada, click here to connect with our exclusive American representative.
Mr. Syed Moinuddin
Managing Director - U-Need Group
Dear NRI Investor,
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Guidelines specific to Investment in Immovable Property for Non Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs).
NOTE: The below stated information has been taken from the FAQs section of the RBI, which was last updated on the April 01, 2016. We aim to keep updating this section with relevant information from time to time, however to ensure you have the latest information, you may also visit -
In terms of the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), 1999 a person resident outside India means a person who is not resident in India.
What are the different types of accounts which can be maintained by an NRI 1/ PIO2 in India?
If a person is an NRI or PIO, she/he can, without the permission from the RBI, open, hold and maintain the different types of accounts given below with an Authorised Dealer in India, i.e. a bank authorised to deal in foreign exchange.NRO Savings Accounts can also be maintained with the Post Offices in India. However, individuals/ entities of Bangladesh and Pakistan require prior approval of the Reserve Bank.